



Tektronix 2215A Analog Oscilloscope 2 Ch 60 MHz 

състояние: използван, работещ, 1 година гаранция

  • 60 MHz Bandwidth
  • 2 mV Sensitivity
  • 5 ns/div Sweep Rate
  • Advanced Trigger System
  • Delayed Sweep Measurements
  • гаранция: 12 месеца

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665,00 лв с ДДС

950,00 лв с ДДС

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30 други артикули от същата категория:

Sweep Delay and Triggering

  • The delay position range for the Tektronix 2215A oscilloscope is less than 0.5 of a division (div) plus 300 nanoseconds to more than 10 div. Delay times are constantly variable through the use of a vernier control that has a ten to one ratio and the maximum available delay time has a jitter that measures 10,000 to one. The accuracy of the delay dial for reading past one div is plus or minus 1.5 percent and the main and delayed sweep can be separated by at least 3.5 div. Trigger modes include normal, automatic and TV field sweeps with an LED that indicates when this process has been initiated. For external auto and normal modes up to 2 MHz, the signal requirements are 50 millivolts peak-to-peak and at 60 MHz the signal must be 250 millivolts peak-to-peak. For auto and normal internal modes, sensitivity below 2 MHz requires a minimum amplitude signal of 0.4 div; at 60 MHz, the signal must have a minimum amplitude of 1.5 div.

Horizontal Deflection

  • Tektronix 2215A oscilloscopes have three display modes for horizontal deflection that can alternate between intensified and delayed sweeps electronically. Time base A can range from 0.05 microseconds/div to 0.5 seconds/div while time base B has a maximum of 50 milliseconds/div. Both A and B are able to extend the maximum sweep rate to 5 nanoseconds/div using a 10x magnifier. Between zero and 50 degrees C, the accuracy for time base B is plus or minus 4 percent unmagnified and plus or minus 6 percent magnified. Time base A, between 20 and 30 degrees C, has an unmagnified accuracy of plus or minus 3 percent and plus or minus 5 percent magnified. The accuracy specifications pertain to the eight center divisions.

Vertical Deflection

  • For vertical deflection between 40 to 50 degrees C, the bandwidth ranges from 2 to 10 millivolts/div at 50 MHz; between 0 to 40 degrees C, the bandwidth ranges from two millivolts to 10 volts. The risetime is 7 nanoseconds at 50 MHz and 5.8 nanoseconds at 60 MHz. The oscilloscope has five electronically switched display modes for vertical deflection and the maximum input voltage ranges from 400 to 800 volts. The deflection factor between 2 millivolts/div and 10 volt/div is plus or minus 4 percent from 0 to 50 degrees C and plus or minus 3 percent from 20 to 30 degrees C.

Dimensions and Weight

  • The Tektronix 2215A oscilloscope has a depth that measures 17.4 inches with the front cover, 17.3 inches without the front cover, and 20.1 inches with the handle extended. It has a width of 14.2 inches with the handle, 12.9 inches without the handle, and has a height of 5.4 inches including feet and handle. The unit has a weight of 13.5 lbs. without cover accessories and pouch; the unit weighs 16.8 lbs. when including these features.


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